Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Miss Haven Rose is here!

Hello all!

Things have been a little quiet around here and that is because Miss Haven Rose is finally here!

The night before my scheduled C-section I could hardly sleep. I was so ready to finally meet our newest addition. We arrived at the hospital at 5:15 to prep for our 7:50 am delivery. It felt like time went by so slow as we waited watching the clock. Our doctor ended up showing up late which was not surprising so it took a bit for things to start going. Apparently it was snowing quite a bit outside!

Haven Rose George was born December 23, 2016 at 8:25 am weighing 8 pounds 1 oz and 21 inches long. I was shocked by her weight and couldn't believe I had been carrying an 8 pound baby! Charles made a guess though right before she came out and said she would be 8 pounds 5oz. Even the doctor thought she would be 7 pounds. The minute she came out I heard a loud cry and they pulled down the sheet so I could take a peek. I immediately was consumed with emotion and burst into tears. All I could think about was how perfect she was and how grateful to God that he gave me this angel. This past year had some lows but the high was the fact that we were given a rainbow baby. All I could think was God has given me the best gift and my heart was full. As I held my baby girl for the first time I was filled with so much joy. I remember going into this thinking how will I ever love another girl like I love Brielle. And your heart just does and now I have more love for my babies than ever. My daughter came out beautiful and healthy.

Haven was checked out by the pediatrician and nurse and everything looked good. Charles and Haven got to go back to recovery while the doctor finished sewing me up. I was so anxious to be back with both of them soaking up these precious few hours.

As I laid there waiting to be sent back to recover I thought back to our delivery with Brielle.  It was such a different experience and definitely not an easy one. I had Brielle early and she came out not breathing. She was whisked away after I gave her a quick kiss and I didn't get to even hold her until that evening. Brielle was on oxygen and hooked up to a bunch of wires in the nursery. She was and still is a little spitfire and finally got to be with us after a few days in the nursery. Charles would say "its the George in her."

So compared to our last delivery things with Haven Rose felt like a breeze. The hospital was very busy so we had to wait a few hours for a room but other than that things went smoothly. It was like we were already old pros with everything- breastfeeding, changing diapers, and swaddling. While we were waiting patiently for our room Charles brought Brielle back to meet her baby sister. She was a little quiet at first and it was obvious that she had missed us. Brielle wasn't sure what to think at first but after awhile she warmed up. She became more comfortable and wanted to "pet" baby sister. She was so happy and keep repeating "I love my baby sister." And she would repeatedly tell me and Charles that she loved us. It was one of the best moments watching my two girls together. It was then that I felt like our family was finally complete. I had two miracles in the room that I would get to cherish forever.

After a few days in the hospital we were ready to go home on Christmas day! (And by ready I mean so ready! It is impossible to sleep in the hospital. ) Oh and apparently I snore when I completely exhausted... We were beyond ready to have our family reunited and be back with Brielle.
Our Christmas day was spent very low key and decided to celebrate with family the next day so I could rest.

What a whirlwind this pregnancy was! I still remember the nurse saying we were pregnant and being in disbelief. After so many failed attempts our hopes weren't very high but I still kept faith that there was a chance. This pregnancy flew by especially with the holidays and a busy toddler around.

It may be quiet on my blog for a bit while I soak up this precious newborn time. I'm so in love with our baby girl and can't wait to watch her grow. She's our perfect gift.

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and may God bless your New Year.
I'm so happy to be starting 2017 as a family of four.

xoxo Debbie

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Almost there!

Alright time for another update!

It's been awhile since I've posted an update on Haven.

So far things have been going well and everything is still on track for our C-section on December 23rd! Haven is head down and I was checked a couple weeks ago and my cervix was closed. I have my last OB appointment on Tuesday of this next week. I haven't noticed any painful contractions. A few days ago I did have quite a bit of pressure which only lasted one night.

Now we are just trying to get organized and prepared for Miss Haven's arrival. Luckily I've been done with all of my Christmas shopping since the beginning of the month. I wanted to finish early so I could focus on baby girl's arrival and enjoy the holidays.

I cannot believe we will be holding our other miracle baby in less than a week. I'm so anxious to see what she looks like and what kind of personality she has. So far she has been a pretty easy going baby in my belly but we'll see once she comes out. God has given me the best Christmas present this year. We had our hearts broken multiple times this year with the loss of three babies. God has been healing my heart and we will be receiving another beautiful daughter soon. If you are struggling to become pregnant do not give up. God does have a plan for you and your family. It may not be clear now but in the end it will be worth it. I've become a stronger woman through our journey and hope I can inspire someone else in their infertility journey. Stay strong, pray, love hard, and never give up.

Ill update once our angel comes!

May God Bless you and your family this Christmas.

xox Debbie

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Baby shower for Haven Rose

One of my closest friends Stephanie threw Haven and me a baby shower this past Sunday. I was not expecting a shower at all! Stephanie really went all out and gave us the most beautiful shower. The theme was floral and we had a cute little brunch set up. I'm so grateful for all the love we were shown at the baby shower. It was such a fun day and I loved celebrating my baby girl! Brielle had fun too helping open gifts some of which were for her. She has become the most helpful little girl and I'm sure this will only continue once her baby sister comes.

Below are some of my favorite pictures from the shower!

Have a great evening!
Debbie xoxo

Baby girl update

Hello All!

I haven't posted in a few weeks so I thought I would give a quick update.

My last couple of appointments have gone well and so far baby girl is measuring right on track.
These next couple weeks are going to fly by with a friends giving followed by Thanksgiving.

We are still set to welcome baby Haven Rose on December 23rd unless she decides to make her appearance sooner.

I'll be updating in the next few weeks unless comes up sooner. In the meantime we will be getting Haven's room ready along with redoing the trim in our house. And not to mention Ill be busy preparing for Christmas as well! There's so much to do in such little time.

Have a wonderful week my friends!

Debbie xoxo

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

28 week check up and ultrasound

Hi y'all!

I'm a little behind on my blogging and catching up with my check up and ultrasound from 2 weeks ago.

At my ultrasound they checked to see if the tissue from my previous ultrasound had resolved. It appeared to have cleared which was great news! They also got multiple views of Haven's heart that they were unable to view at the last appointment. I loved getting another chance to see my sweet girl's profile!

Everything from the ultrasound looked good and the doctor says I was measuring right on track. Haven is measuring in the 57th percentile for weight.

I also had my glucose and iron test this week. My glucose screen came back normal but my iron was a litle low.

I'm so grateful all is going well so far this pregnancy. I couldn't be more blessed to have another healthy baby girl on the way!

Tomorrow I have my next appointment already at 31 weeks! This pregnancy is flying by.

Thanks for following along!

Ill be updating again soon with my appointment.

xox! Debbie

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

24 week check up!

Time for another update!

Monday September 12th I had my OB appointment. So far everything seems to be on track and baby's heartbeat sounded great. I've decided that I'm going to have another C-section for a number of reasons. I went ahead I got scheduled for December 23rd and few days before Christmas. My original  due date is December 29th and I really wanted for our baby girl to come before Christmas if possible. So unless our little miss decides to show up sooner we'll meet her on the 23rd.

I know these next couple months are gonna fly by! I'm trying soak up these last months spending time with Brielle Ann before her sister comes.

Thanks for the love and support!
Our next ultrasound is in 4 weeks and I'll update then unless something comes up.

Until then.. Happy Fall Y'all and have a blessed September.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Half way there!

Yesterday we had an appointment for Miss Haven Rose. It was my 20 week ultrasound already! This pregnancy seems to be flying by and I'm pretty sure its due to the fact that I have a toddler. Our first view of miss Haven was with her leg stretched up to her head. She was a bit stubborn and stayed in pretty much the same position throughout the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech had to nudge her around a bit to get her to move. I remember Brielle being just as stubborn and if Haven's anything like her sister we'll have another strong willed little girl. Everything on the ultrasound looked good expect for a small tissue concern. I will have another ultrasound at the beginning of my third ultrasound in 8 weeks. This ultrasound is to make sure the tissue is not interfering with the delivery of Haven. The doctor didn't seem to be concerned but it is just done as a precaution. Our little miss is measuring just under the 50th percentile and couldn't be more perfect. We cannot wait to meet the fourth member of our family!

While we wait for our newest addition we will continue to soak up the rest of the Summer. Before you know it the holidays will be here and then our sweet girl.

I'm feeling beyond grateful these days and happy with how far our family has come.

Our next appointment is in four weeks and I'll for sure be updating then!

Have a happy week my loves! xoxo